Thank You For Being Part of Our Theater!

Theatrikos enjoys a strong circle of support and for that we are immensely grateful! Your financial contributions help us to produce great theater, provide youth programming, and maintain this old building. Ticket sales only account for about 50% of our annual budget and we work hard to make up the difference.

We’d like to publicly thank two couples who are generous and regular donors to Theatrikos.

Terri and Barry Brenneman gave a generous donation in December so that we can purchase a new sound system. This system is going to get so much use and will make a huge difference to our productions.

Bob and Darlene Zaccaria recently gave us a generous donation and when we called to thank them, we asked whether we could quote them. ” We are so happy to be able to enjoy the excellent productions Theatrikos provides. It is a pleasure to help guarantee that the show goes on!”

Theatrikos is a community affair and we appreciate each donor, patron, and volunteer. Thank you for being a part of our theater!